Fire Escape Planning For Your Home

June 28, 2022

Fire Escape Planning For Your Home

A research done by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSBC) has revealed that residential areas account for the most number of fire occurrences in the Philippines. The study also showed that Metro Manila, being consistently recorded with the highest incidents of fire from the year 2010, as the most fire-prone area in the country.
With this fact, it is only sensible that you and everyone in your home have a fire escape plan. See, when a fire occurs, you have approximately two minutes to evacuate and get to safety before things turn for the worse. So to make sure you are able to maximize that short time, mapping out an escape plan is crucial for everyone’s safety.

If you don’t have a fire escape plan at home yet, here are some ways you can create one:
  • Map out your home’s floor plan and give every member of the family and household a copy so they are familiar with all rooms, routes, windows, and doors.
  • Install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in every room. We’ve also shared some tips on how to further fireproof your home for that extra measure. Escape ladders are ideal if your home has second or higher floors. Always place these ladders near windows and practice setting it up quickly.
  • Make sure all windows, doors, and planned escape routes are unblocked.
  • Have everybody practice waking up to the sound of smoke detectors.
  • If you have someone at home with limitations in terms of mobility, assign a family member to assist him or her in the escape plan.
  • For households with pets, include them in the plan by assigning someone as well to guide them out.
  • Practice low crawling. In home fires, smoke rises and is a common cause of asphyxiation.
  • Teach the STOP, DROP, and ROLL technique so everyone knows what to do in case their clothes catching on fires.
  • Conduct monthly drills to ensure that everybody is on board and perfectly understands the fire escape plan. Use the timer on your smartphone and practice it in two minutes.

Having a fire escape plan may sound like a lot of work but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you don’t have a fire escape plan yet, the best time to start creating one is now.

The author of this article contributed in their own personal capacity. The views expressed are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of COCOGEN Insurance.
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