How to keep your valuables safe throughout your holiday trip

June 28, 2022

How to keep your valuables safe throughout your holiday trip

Traveling is one of life’s most exhilarating events. Seeing new places, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, and trying out new delicacies make for an unforgettable adventure especially when you get to travel abroad. However, traveling would also mean that you’ll be heading to places that you may not have visited before and venturing into the unknown can sometimes cause distress. That being the case, it is advisable to take precautionary steps to make sure that your trips go smoothly. Here are some travel safety tips to help you keep your belongings safe. Don’t look like a tourist One of the best things you can do to protect your belongings is to make possible criminals feel like they’ll have a difficult time stealing from you. If you can, try not to look like a tourist. This might be impossible to pull off on all occasions, but it helps if you pretend to know your way around. For your luggage, buy locks that are easily visible: the bigger and more colorful, the better. Seeing these locks can be enough to deter a pickpocket from tampering with your luggage. It’s also important that you do not flaunt your items. There’s no need to wear expensive jewelry as you go walking around the city. Also, never count money publicly. Keep your back pocket empty Having a fat wallet tucked inside your back pocket is like sending an open invitation to thieves. Do not put anything inside your back pocket and the same holds true for that small pocket in front of your backpack. Keeping your items safe is all about awareness. Avoid storing items behind you as you are not able to see what is happening all the time. Use your hotel room’s safe Carrying multiple bags at the same time may elevate the risk of losing an item or two. This is why it’s important to only bring what you need. Your hotel’s safe is there for a reason and it’s best to take advantage of the protection it provides. Take only one credit card with you and don’t bring all your money. Lock it up inside the room safe and make sure your passcode is not 1234 or any number repeated four times. It’s also a good idea to leave your passport and bring only a scanned copy if you’re only going around the area. Ask the locals Arming yourself with information is always helpful. Ask locals or the hotel staff about places you need to avoid and scams you need to be wary of. Walking around to discover a new place is fun until you walk into the wrong part of town. The locals know which are deemed as dangerous and they’ll surely be more than willing to share the information with you. Use a money belt A money belt is a small zippered fabric pouch that may be fastened around your waist or chest under your clothing. You can buy one that’s big enough to hold your passport. Make sure to have some cash in your pockets too as taking out your money belt every time you need to make a purchase is troublesome. Store your cash and cards separately In the event that you still get robbed after following the aforementioned tips, the most important thing is how you bounce back from it. Dividing your money and storing it in different areas eliminates the risk of losing it all in one go. Fulfilling all of the vacation safety tips mentioned above will definitely lower the risk of you losing something important when you travel. However, the possibility is always there, no matter how far-fetched it might be. Because of this, it’s still best to cover all bases by getting a travel insurance. Arm yourself with protection against any untoward incident that may happen during your trip. Getting travel insurance will also allow you to enjoy your vacation more as you’ll have peace of mind throughout the trip. For example, you can get as much as $250 for the loss of your passport or driver’s license abroad under Cocogen Travel Excel Plus. You may also get compensation for the non-refundable deposits you’ve made should the rest of your trip be cancelled because of the loss of your passport. These are only a couple of the myriad of benefits that Cocogen Travel Excel Plus offers and getting it will surely eliminate all of your worries regarding your travel. For more information, you may send inquiries through the website, call the hotline at (02) 8830-6000, or send an email at
*** The views expressed are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cocogen Insurance.
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